corrected the spelling of your own name....carry on.
for the december monthly broadcast instead of jws from around the world waving to you and items of how to shun people we will have to make do with repeats of of old gilead videos that have been on the jw website for a good while. corrected the spelling of your own name....carry on.
if there were only one god, why do we encounter the expression, "most high god"?.
is this not indicative of polytheism, and of levels (or degrees) of god-ness?.
doug .
Hi JWdeepthinker.......what are your thoughts on the reason for the 8th day for circumcision......why 8 days?
Jesus day is December 25th,John the baptist day is June 24th......the two solstices....summer and winter.
When the sun reaches the tropic of Cancer.....the only way is down as it makes its journey back to the tropic of Capricorn.
The light starts to decrease......however when it reaches the tropic of Capricorn at the winter solstice it starts to climb again....and light starts increasing once more.
This is why John says....."that one must go on increasing and I shall go on decreasing"
The sun is behind the story of Elisha.......When the sun is at the winter solstice the rays or "hair" of the sun have disappeared....the sun is in effect "baldy" and the only way to get its hair back is to go back up to the tropic of Cancer once "go up you baldhead,go up you baldhead"! (the two bears are ursa major and ursa minor)
The sun and its yearly journey is also behind the story of Samson (Samson means man of the sun...the clue is in the name).
Again,Samson loses his hair (strength/rays) after visiting Delilah (house of Virgo).....before that he fights a lion and there are bees in the lion....this is the constellation of Leo and "Praesepe" the beehive cluster.
When he sets the foxes tails on is telling us about the festival of Cerealia
They had firefox even back then.
Hercules is also the sun.....and his 12 labours are the 12 signs of the zodiac.
Jesus is the sun...and he walks round Galilee (Galilee means circuit....the circuit of the year....with his 12 disciples/12 signs of the zodiac).
A more modern version of the cycle and the 12 zodiac signs are found in the story of "King Arthur" (the sun) and the 12 "knights" (signs of the zodiac) of the round table (the circle of the year).
It's all stories about the sun......that is why the prophets could prophesy......they could work out what happens in each part of the cycle....whether daily,yearly or the cycle of the ages.
if there were only one god, why do we encounter the expression, "most high god"?.
is this not indicative of polytheism, and of levels (or degrees) of god-ness?.
doug .
The sun at the summer solstice in the sign of Cancer/tropic of Cancer also answers a prophesy that is still being debated by Christians to this day.
Why did Jesus ride into Jerusalem on two donkeys and not one? (Zechariah 9:9)
In the constellation of Cancer there are two donkeys....Asellus Australis and Asellus borealis...the northern and southern donkeys.
So when the sun hits its height it is sitting on two donkeys.
if there were only one god, why do we encounter the expression, "most high god"?.
is this not indicative of polytheism, and of levels (or degrees) of god-ness?.
doug .
If we can entertain the thought that Jesus is the sun.
"The Christian religion and Masonry have one and the same common origin: Both are derived from the worship of the Sun. The difference between their origin is, that the Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun." --Thomas Paine, Age of Reason
It can explain why all of those titles can apply to the sun.....
When it arrives in the morning it is our RISEN saviour,at midday it is at it's "most high" as it rides into "Jerusalem" at the summer solstice and at night it "dies" and heads into the underworld......being born again as a helpless baby at the winter solstice/midnight....born in the midst of its enemies as the darkness still surrounds it at Christmas time.
When Christians go out at Easter to welcome the sun at their sunrise service....they aren't welcoming a literal Jesus.....they are welcoming the sun back at the spring the sign of Aries they are welcoming Jesus/the sun back....he is the lamb of God (sun in Aries) that takes away the sin (darkness,desolation of winter) of the world...and as the sun passes through the month of Aries (burning away the lamb),the days are getting longer and warmer,plants start to grow,the dead rise,fecundity and happiness have returned to the earth.....the light of the world has returned once more.
All hail our risen saviour! ....the sun.
· the whole book of revelation is one letter.. · that letter was to be taken by a courier and read out aloud in churches along a road that ran from ephesus to laodicea.
the author was very familiar with each of the churches.. · those christians were experiencing intense persecution.. · the letter was designed to encourage these first-century christians to “overcome”.
it told them that the end was imminent (“soon”) and they had to remain faithful, to the point of being prepared to losing their lives.. · john had gone to patmos in order to compose (“receive”) the message.
Hi HB,thanks for your comments.
I concur....if we take the stories out of the literal into the amazing stories of the natural male and female forces in nature...the positive and negative,the light and dark and the interplay between them. It explains much of the bible and other holy books.
As you say the more you investigate,the more it all fits.
Another example of using the zodiac to interpret scripture would be the sheep and goats allegory.
Capricorn (the goat) is the sign at the winter solstice that kicks off the 3 winter months......darkness and death/desolation.
Whereas the spring equinox is the time of expanding light and life and happiness/work and arrives in the sign of Aries (the ram/lamb/sheep).
The sheep go off into life and the goats....death. (of course they do...its the cycle of the zodiac)
We now look back and wonder to ourselves...."How did we ever believe all of that nonsense"...... as we see the darkness in the watchtower even clearer.
· the whole book of revelation is one letter.. · that letter was to be taken by a courier and read out aloud in churches along a road that ran from ephesus to laodicea.
the author was very familiar with each of the churches.. · those christians were experiencing intense persecution.. · the letter was designed to encourage these first-century christians to “overcome”.
it told them that the end was imminent (“soon”) and they had to remain faithful, to the point of being prepared to losing their lives.. · john had gone to patmos in order to compose (“receive”) the message.
Thomas Paine said this:
"The christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun."
If you take that on board that Jesus is the sun/principle of light.....Jesus does die on a cross...the cross made by the two equinoxes and two solstices.
If you plot the equinoxes and solstices on the circle of the year,you get this.
Jesus and the cross he dies on....he gave his life/light/rays for us and asked nothing in return.
Jesus (the sun) really is the light of this world.....Jesus is our risen saviour...the sun rises every day for us.
Jesus the sun does turn water into wine during the grape growing season....he multiplies the grain and life on earth during the spring/summer months......but at the scales of Libra....the scales of justice (the autumnal equinox)....the sun is on the wane and is about to be judged.....the darkness now has the upper hand....the only way for sunny boy the saviour is down...down to the winter solstice where the old jesus dies....the new jesus born 3 days later.....goes into exile until the spring equinox where he is in his primus (spring equinox) he overcomes the darkness and sets off on his journey through Galilee (which means circuit...the circuit/cycle of the year). Rinse and repeat.
It is the greatest story ever told......and it happens every day....every year.....and every great is the story of natures cycles in amazing story form.
In the cycle....the new light/newborn jesus is always born at the darkest time.
In the cycle of the day.....the new day starts at midnight.....the new year starts at the winter solstice.....darkness always births the light.
· the whole book of revelation is one letter.. · that letter was to be taken by a courier and read out aloud in churches along a road that ran from ephesus to laodicea.
the author was very familiar with each of the churches.. · those christians were experiencing intense persecution.. · the letter was designed to encourage these first-century christians to “overcome”.
it told them that the end was imminent (“soon”) and they had to remain faithful, to the point of being prepared to losing their lives.. · john had gone to patmos in order to compose (“receive”) the message.
· the whole book of revelation is one letter.. · that letter was to be taken by a courier and read out aloud in churches along a road that ran from ephesus to laodicea.
the author was very familiar with each of the churches.. · those christians were experiencing intense persecution.. · the letter was designed to encourage these first-century christians to “overcome”.
it told them that the end was imminent (“soon”) and they had to remain faithful, to the point of being prepared to losing their lives.. · john had gone to patmos in order to compose (“receive”) the message.
Could it be the end of an old cycle and beginning of a new cycle being expounded in astrological language?
The zodiac signs for the autumn are (starting from the autumnal equinox) Libra the scales,Scorpio ruled by Mars/Ares (the god of war,symbolized by the sword) and Sagittarius the horse/man and his of the horsemen carries a set of scales,one carries a sword and one is a man on a horse with a bow......these three signs lead up to the winter solstice....the depth of darkness/winter/death (the horseman who was following them).
Three days after the winter solstice on December 22nd (the midnight of the year) starts the new cycle of the next year.....the new child that is born.....Jesus at Christmas.
A lot of celebrations happen on solstices and equinoxes.
quite possibly the most cringeworthy thing i've seen them do yet..
Keep an eye for the new album coming out soon...."appetite for construction"